Morgan Grange

3340 Morgan Center Rd, Utica, OH 43080


Recent News

Morgan Grange
Apr 15, 2022
Twenty seven members and four guests were present on April 9, 2022 for the Inspection meeting of Morgan Grange. Master Will Smith presided over the meeting as members sang "When you wore a tulip" for the opening song. Roll call was answered and minutes read with one correction. A recess was declared for the purpose of presenting the fourth degree work.
Morgan Grange
Mar 25, 2022
Twenty members were present for the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange on Friday, March 11, 2022. Master Will Smith welcomed members as well as State Secretary Deb Hamilton, State Legislative Director Margaret Ruhl, State Flora Dee Smith and State Ceres and Knox County Deputy Cindy Campbell to our meeting. The charter was draped in loving memory of Jack Raines.
Morgan Grange to provide lunch for conference March 12
Feb 24, 2022
Morgan Grange #829 met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Feb. 11, at the grange hall.
Morgan Grange
Jan 18, 2022
Fifteen members were present as Morgan Grange met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Jan. 14. Master Will Smith presided over the meeting as roll call was taken and minutes were read and approved.
Morgan Grange members prepare fruit plates, Christmas cards for shut-ins
Dec 17, 2021
Twenty-one members and one guest met for the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange on Friday, Dec. 10. A covered dish dinner was held prior to the meeting.
Morgan Grange
Dec 14, 2021
Nineteen members were present as Morgan Grange met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Nov. 12.
Morgan Grange officers announce craft, photo contest winners
Oct 18, 2021
Master Will Smith presided over the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange on Friday, Oct. 8, 2021, with 19 members and one guest singing "For the Beauty of the Earth" as the opening song.
Morgan Grange members accept slate of next year's officers
Sep 20, 2021
Members of Morgan Grange #829 met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Sept. 10, with Master Will Smith presiding. The charter was draped in loving memory of Sarah Kaiser.