Morgan Grange



Twenty members were present for the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange on Friday, March 11, 2022. Master Will Smith welcomed members as well as State Secretary Deb Hamilton, State Legislative Director Margaret Ruhl, State Flora Dee Smith and State Ceres and Knox County Deputy Cindy Campbell to our meeting. The charter was draped in loving memory of Jack Raines.

It was announced that the deaf conference was virtual on March 19. Pomona Grange met March 21 at Wayne grange for inspection, fifth degree work and the county baking contest. The 6-degree work will be presented at the Memorial Building on Saturday, March 26. The county dartball tournament will be held at Morgan on March 27 and the state dartball tournament will be held in Fredericktown on April 2. The Farm-City dinner will be held at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center on April 18. A large collection box for commonly needed items for donation to New Directions is now located on the lower level of the grange hall.

The results of the baking contest are as follows: rippled coffee cake, Janet White, first, and Will Smith, second. Men's chocolate chip blondies, Ned Campbell, first, and Will Smith, second. Can't leave alone bars, JoAnn Walton, first, and Will Smith, second. Mr. Brumbaugh's soft double chocolate chip cookies, Cindy Campbell, first, and JoAnn Walton, second.

Concerns were expressed for Barb Bower. Members with birthdays include Kathy Stafford and Bill and Loretta Crego.

Margaret Ruhl, a member of the advisory council of the Area Agency on Aging, District 5, presented a program explaining all of the programs available through the agency whose main goal is to help people stay happy and healthy in their own homes. Brochures of all the programs were made available to members.

Refreshments followed the business meeting and a game of bingo was played with no winner. The prize will be $40 at our next meeting on Friday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m. Inspection will be held and the fourth degree work will be presented. Please bring a new stuffed animal for donation to the Bunnies for Babes project.