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Mount Vernon News | Mar 27, 2025

Melvin C. Wyler will celebrate his 100th birthday on Dec. 28. He was born in Henrietta, Ohio, to Robert and Minnie Wyler, the ninth of 10 children.

Melvin is a veteran of World War II, having served in the Navy as an aviation radar radio technician and blind landing gear specialist. He was assigned to the USS Norton Sound which participated in the Asian-Pacific theater in the following campaigns: the Okinawa Gunto and the 3rd fleet operation against Japan.en.

Please send cards to Mr. Wyler at the Mount Vernon Health and Rehabilitation facility at 1135 East Gambier St., Mount Vernon, OH 43050.

Congrats Dennis Durbin
Mount Vernon News | Mar 27, 2025

Congratulations Dennis Durbin on running 100,000 miles! What an amazing achievement!

You averaged 7.75 miles a day for 12,850 days.

Your friends and family in Danville couldn't be more proud of you!

A Message of Love
Mount Vernon News | Mar 27, 2025

Now the reason we're here
As man and woman
Is to love each other
Take care of each other...

Me and you, every night, every day
We'll be together always this way