Morgan Grange officers announce craft, photo contest winners



Morgan Grange report. | Stock photo

Master Will Smith presided over the monthly meeting of Morgan Grange on Friday, Oct. 8, 2021, with 19 members and one guest singing "For the Beauty of the Earth" as the opening song. State Flora Dee Smith and State Ceres and Knox County Deputy Cindy Campbell were in attendance.  

Smith reported that he and Ned Campbell attended the Ohio State Grange Convention as delegates from Knox County. A full report of the convention will be presented at the Pomona Grange meeting in November. The next Pomona meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 18, at Monroe-Dan Emment grange.

Family Activities chairwoman Cindy Campbell announced the craft and photography winners from Morgan, who placed at the state level. They include Loretta Crego, Sarah Kaiser, Oneta Debolt, Will Smith, Ashley Smith and Ned and Cindy Campbell. Special recognition and congratulations were given to Oneta Debolt for having made 100 blankets and 100 pillowcases in just this year alone.  

Ron Hiltner installed the officers for the coming year: Master Will Smith; Overseer Ned Campbell; Lecturer JoAnn Walton; Steward Bob Smith; Assistant Steward James Jordan; Lady Assistant Steward Mary Jordan; Chaplain Mary Bebout; Treasurer Dorthy Hughes; Recording Secretary Rita Smith; Financial Secretary Sue Bateman; Gatekeeper Janet White; Ceres Anna Chadwick; Pomona Linda Kerr; Flora Bonnie Kohl; and Executive Committee Steve Chadwick, Jim Hughes and Sam Williams.

Concerns were expressed for Kathy Stafford, Loretta Crego, Irene Smith, Sue Bateman, Mary Jordan and Josh Morey. Members with birthdays include Bonnie Beightol, Pat Ferenbaugh, Dorthy Hughes, James and Mary Jordan, Bonnie Kohl, Phyllis Lewis, Bob McVay, Linda Robertson and Steve Spray. Anniversary couples are Tom and Peg Carpenter, Steve and Anna Chadwick, James and Mary Jordan and Bob and Brenda Walton.

The meeting was adjourned with members singing "God be with you." Members played a short game of Bingo, but no one won the $20 prize. The prize money goes up to $40 at our next meeting on Nov. 12. Hope to see you there.