Morgan Grange



There were 27 members and four guests present on April 9, 2022, for the inspection meeting of Morgan Grange. Master Will Smith presided over the meeting as members sang "When You Wore a Tulip" for the opening song. Roll call was answered and minutes read with one correction. A recess was declared for the purpose of presenting the fourth degree work.

Thanks were expressed to Oneta Debolt, Sue Bateman and Loretta Crego for making blankets for the Linus project and pillowcases to be donated to minors who are receiving chemotherapy.

We received a thank you note from the Jack Raines family for providing snack items for the family during his calling hours. A letter of congratulations was read for Rita Smith, who recently completed her 15th year as secretary. Ned Campbell reported on the Morgan dartball team placing second in the county league and placing fourth at the state dartball tournament. JoAnn Walton reported that the Pomona team tied three other teams for fourth place at the state tournament.

Concerns were expressed and a get well card sent to Deb Hamilton, Ohio State Grange Secretary, who recently suffered a fall. Sue Bateman is celebrating a birthday this month, along with Bob and Irene Smith, who are celebrating a wedding anniversary.

The Farm-City dinner will be held on Monday, April 18. Everyone is invited to attend the Legislative conference on April 23. Rural Life Sunday will be on May 1 at the Westerville Community Church of Christ. Morgan's next meeting will be on Friday, May 13, at 7:30 p.m.

Lecturer JoAnn Walton tested our knowledge by having members read selected excerpts from the Grange's degree manual and then identify the degree and office from which the excerpt had been taken. Members were invited to participate in an egg passing contest and the program ended with all singing the song "It's good to be a granger."

Licking County Deputy Mary Jewell gave us our inspection score and spoke a few words about the work our grange does. Refreshments were served after the meeting as members played a short game of Bingo. Tom Debolt was the lucky winner of $40.

Submitted by Rita Smith, reporter.