Morgan Grange



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Nineteen members were present as Morgan Grange met for its monthly meeting on Friday, Nov. 12. The opening song was "My Country 'tis of Thee." Cindy Campbell thanked all who volunteered to help with the wedding reception last month. Thank you cards were read from Canyon and Danielle Carter and Alan and Leila Doup.  

Jim Hughes will prepare and present an estimate on replacing the basement lights and exit lights with LED lights. 

Members voted to donate funds to the New Directions Capital Campaign. The Veterans and Fraternal Organization Tax Exemption Renewal Application for real estate taxes have been filed with the Knox County Auditor. Morgan had a booth at the Utica Christmas Walk on Wednesday, Dec. 1. It was decided to prepare fruit plates for local shut-ins and to contribute monetarily to the Utica Church of Christ Pack a Sleigh project, which will provide new toys to children this Christmas.

Members with birthdays include JoAnn Walton and Bob Walton. Anniversary couples are Bill and Loretta Crego, Robert and Vicki Newton and Will and Dee Smith.

Kevin Henthorn from the Knox County Veterans Service Office spoke to members about all of the programs and activities associated with the office as well as recognizing the veterans present at our meeting, Jack Raines, James Jordan, Sam Williams and Will Smith. Kevin strongly encouraged us to teach our young people about veterans and what they really sacrificed in serving the country. A contest was held to see how many of us could name the anthem songs from the five branches of the military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. The songs were played beautifully on the piano by Imogene Hanes as we guessed the songs.

Pomona Grange met at Wayne Grange on Monday, Nov. 15, for Harvest Night Out. Morgan's next meeting was Friday, Dec. 10, starting with a pot luck dinner at 6:30 p.m. and meeting at 7:30 p.m. Members enjoyed refreshments while playing a short game of Bingo. No one had a winning card, so the prize will be $60 at our next meeting.

Submitted by Rita Smith.