Morgan Grange members accept slate of next year's officers


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Members of the Morgan Grange who donated food to the funeral dinner for the family of Sarah Kaiser were thanked at the most recent Grange meeting. | Stock Images

Members of Morgan Grange #829 met for their monthly meeting on Sept. 10 with Master Will Smith presiding. The charter was draped in loving memory of Sarah Kaiser.

JoAnn Walton presented the nominations for next year's officers, and the new slate of officers was accepted. Installation of officers will take place at our next meeting on Friday, Oct. 8.  

It was announced that the Ohio State Grange office has received all of the committee reports and the resolution to be considered at this year's state convention. Ned Campbell attended the delegates' Zoom meeting, explaining the new schedule for the convention.

Family Activities chairperson Cindy Campbell thanked all who donated food and helped serve the funeral dinner for the family of Sarah Kaiser. Members were asked to volunteer to help cater a wedding reception on Saturday, Oct. 16. It was decided to serve a dinner at the grange hall on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022.

James Jordan was congratulated on his 25 years of service to the grange. Rita Smith was presented with a certificate of outstanding service for serving as secretary for the past fourteen years. Members are reminded to return the entire back page of the September-October issue of the Ohio Granger along with a $5 check if interested in continuing a subscription.

Concerns were expressed for Evelyn Spray, Kathy Stafford, Bob Smith and JoAnn Walton. Members with birthdays include Darrell Bebout, Barb Bower, Steve Chadwick, Imogene Hanes, Gary Kohl, Jerry Lewis, Jack Raines, Bob Smith and Anissa Ward. Anniversary couples are Jack and Marjorie Raines and Larry and Judy Williams. Lecturer Mary Jordan tested our knowledge of some fun fact-or-fiction questions. Refreshments were served following the meeting.