In November 2024, the Mount Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) Board of Trustees tasked President Dr. Carson Castleman with creating a plan to balance the budget by the 2028-29 academic year and to restructure the employee population to ensure financial stability.
Board Chair Rev. Edward J. Phillips, alongside President Castleman and his Cabinet, met with faculty and staff last Friday to discuss the restructuring plan developed with input from faculty members.
“I believe the plan proposed and adopted is needed and has been prepared in a fair manner by President Castleman and the Cabinet,” stated Phillips.
Despite recent complaints from faculty members, which included a publicized vote of no confidence, Phillips emphasized that an investigation into these concerns was conducted thoroughly.
“The Board investigated complaints received from faculty members,” said Phillips. “I and others have reviewed them and many other sources of information. We have concluded the evidence provided in totality does not support the existence of an environment that rises to the level of being hostile or unlawful as has been characterized by some. As with any change, there will be those who don’t see eye to eye, but our prayer is they all see the need to make changes to assure the long-term success of MVNU."
Phillips affirmed that "The Board of Trustees unequivocally supports the leadership of President Castleman and the strategic restructuring of MVNU.”