Holloway participates in Red Cross program promoting giving blood


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Brooke Holloway | Mount Vernon Nazarene University

Giving blood is a life saver, and students athletes like Brooke Holloway of the Mount Vernon Nazarene University women's track and field team are taking part in the American Red Cross Collegiate Leadership Program, where they are being set up with life skills while promoting organizing and taking part in blood drives. Holloway and also received a $2,000 grant for her work.

“I feel very blessed to have been selected for this program,” said Holloway in a release by MVNU. “The Red Cross inspires me by their effort to help those in need. I believe God has growth for me in DC and I am excited to bring back to campus all the things I learn.”

The two week internship took place at the Red Cross headquarters, and she worked on training, mentoring and networking. The focus is for student-athletes to learn about leadership skills, and also promote blood drives. The release aid that this can help with student athletes learning that can help in school, as well as their careers.

“We are very proud of Brooke for taking a leap of faith to apply for this opportunity, and we are thankful for her selection into the program,” said Director of Athletics Chip Wilson. “I look forward to seeing how God will use this experience in her life.”

The release added that there are millions of blood donations made each year, and about 20% come from young people like college students. Holloway will be heading back to MVNU to encourage other students to get involved in blood drives and give blood.

According to the Red Cross website, the program is described as “an intense two weeks of training, mentoring and networking that will help you develop your leadership skills, discover your purpose, and prepare for your bright future.” About $438,000 in scholarships have been awarded, 3,306 blood drives organized and more than 145 campuses involved in the program. This has led to more than 198,000 pints of blood donated.

Additional information can be found at RedCrossBlood.org and 1-800-RED CROSS.