Little Uncle Sammy and Little Miss Liberty

Kids & Families

Parker and shelly

Parker Penman and Shelly Clarke were named this year's Little Uncle Sammy and Little Miss Liberty. | Submitted photo

Our new Little Uncle Sammy and Little Miss Liberty 2021 are Master Parker Penman and Miss Shelly Clarke!

Parker Penman is the 5-year-old son of Jeff and Erin Penman of Centerburg. Parker wants to be a firefighter and a police officer when he grows up. His favorite food is tomato soup and he loves to watch "Wild Kratts" on TV. He loves building Lego sets using an iPad showing each step of the directions. 

Going to playgrounds, planting and watering flowers, hiking and doing anything outside is what Parker loves best. He also enjoys playing T Ball at the park. Parker has one little brother, Henry.  

Little Miss Shelly Clarke is the daughter of Josh and Becky Clarke of Croton. She is 6 years old and going into second grade at Northridge Elementary. Shelly is very excited to have a new baby brother, Cameron, in August. Shelly is not a kid who likes computer and video games, she is an outdoorsy girl who plays outside every day of the year regardless of rain, snow, heat or cold. 

Shelly loves nature walks, trees and flowers, and she can name many of them on sight. She loves all animals but especially horses and cats. Shelly loves math. She knows her multiplication tables and can do fourth grade math in her head. Shelly’s favorite movie is "Frozen 2" but she likes all the princess movies. She loves to play dress-up and insists she wear a tutu or dress every day!  

Shelly also likes to sing, swinging on her swing set and playing with her cousins. Her favorite food is spaghetti. Shelley wants to be a veterinarian some day. 

There were eight contestants this year and they raised $6,700, which goes back into the festival each year. This helps the association continue to bring you a festival with free admission and free parking and so much more! Thank you to all of our contestants!