FREDERICKTOWN – The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on June 9, 2021, at Sockman Lake Community ShelterHouse.
There were 30 members signed in to have a luncheon that was provided by Smithhislers Meats, Taste of Country, Martha Blanchard, Phyllis Shira and Round Hill Dairy.
We started with the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag, singing God Bless America and a prayer by Ruth Douglas.
Our guest speaker was Tyler McCann, owner of Round Hill Dairy. He provided vanilla and chocolate ice cream, which tasted good with the chocolate cake Martha and Phyllis prepared. Tyler is a very young 23-year-old owner and has 26 employees. All the ingredients he uses are from Ohio farmers. He mainly sells to Knox County but recently added Richland County. Currently, the hours of business are noon to 9:30 p.m. weekdays, and McCann has opened up the dining room to sit inside. McCann answered many questions from the members and then had to go back to work.
President Martha Blanchard started the meeting. Secretary Margaret Ann Ruhl had no report this time. Treasurer Phyllis Shira reported of approximately $2,100 in checking, and the cost of the meal was $300.
Phyllis Shira reported on the condition of the Municipal Building. It seems to be a little behind where it should be. No ceiling or side walls were up, but the material looked like it was there. So we should plan to meet at Sockman Lake in August, just to be safe.
Sue James reported on the bus trips. On June 17, the group went to the Indians game in Cleveland, with a stop to eat dinner on the way back. On July 14, we are going to the Heisey Glass Museum and a boat tour on Buckeye Lake. On Aug. 5, we are going to Put-In-Bay with a guided tour of the island. On Sept. 1, we are going to The Wilds with a guided tour. And the last bus tour is LaComedia Dinner Theater in Springboro to see “A Christmas Story.” Contact Sue or Morris James if you are interested in going on any of these trips.
Birthdays to celebrate in the month of June are Joann Baugher, 85, and Phyllis Shira, 73. Anniversaries are Morris and Sue James (64), and Clarence and Martha Blanchard (69). Deaths since our last meeting were Ralph Davis, Betty Horn and Rodney Henwood.
The meeting ended with a Martha Blanchard reading of “Monkey Business” stories.
Margaret Ann Ruhl, secretary