Neighborhood Bridges partners with Northridge Local Schools

K-12 Schools

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Neighborhood Bridges, a 501(c)(3) charity that champions direct local giving by partnering with school district leaders to serve at-risk students, is excited to announce the launch of its 53rd “Gateway for Kindness” to serve the Northridge Local Schools community in Ohio. 

Northridge Local Schools, serving over 1,300 students across 130 square miles, will now have enhanced support for at-risk and underprivileged students through this partnership.

“We are grateful for Neighborhood Bridges and everyone who helped make this partnership with possible,” said Dr. Kristine Michael, superintendent of Northridge Local Schools. "This initiative will significantly enhance our ability to support the needs of our students and families, further strengthening our tight-knit community." 

Neighborhood Bridges allows school counselors, teachers, social workers, and administrators to post student needs via a secure website, maintaining recipient anonymity. Community members can then fulfill these needs through daily emails and social media posts. Typical needs include food, clothing, school supplies, and monetary donations for household expenses. 

“We are excited to add Northridge Local Schools to our service area,” said Rick Bannister, CEO of Neighborhood Bridges. “Our goal is to make sure that every student in the Northridge Local School District has the basic resources they need to show up ready to learn every single day. This partnership will help make that a reality.” 

Lauren Alspach, who has a deep connection to the Northridge community, will serve as the area director. The steering committee, listed below, includes key school and community leaders dedicated to driving this initiative forward. 

For more information about Neighborhood Bridges Northridge Local, visit and follow on social media.