Fredericktown Senior Citizens

Knox County Seniors

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FREDERICKTOWN – The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at the Fredericktown Municipal Building on the Square. There were 23 members present to enjoy food prepared by Fazoli’s in Mansfield, with everyone bringing a salad or dessert. Phyllis Shira brought the beverages.

At noon, we had a prayer by Paul Morris and the Pledge of Allegiance.

At 1 p.m., Phyllis Shira called the meeting to order. Shira read two thank you cards from Martha Blanchard and David Merrin, American Legion Post 500.

Secretary Margaret Ann Ruhl read the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Phyllis Shira read the Treasurer's Report and it was approved as presented.

There was no old business.

In new business, Margaret Ann Ruhl is on the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council and Ruhl read some of the programs available through the Agency. Maybe have someone from the Area Agency on Aging come to speak next meeting.

Birthdays to celebrate in the month of January are Terry Gaddis, Ray Davis (82), Bernard Blanchard, and Betty Smith. All sang “Happy Birthday” to them. No Anniversaries for January. Deaths reported were Joyce Pence and Barbara Streib. Our sympathy goes out to their families. 

Members on the get-well list included Curtis Farley has COVID, Martha Blanchard, still recovering from COVID pneumonia and still weak, Bernard Blanchard doing well for 94, Linda Shira has a cold and Renate Miller, who fell getting in to the luncheon. Thank you to the Fredericktown EMS for patching Renate up and that she stayed for the luncheon.

No formal entertainment,but everyone was asked about any New Year Resolutions, traditions or stories.Thanks to Renate Miller for all of her stories.

The meeting ended with Margaret Ann Ruhl reading of a some “Funny Senior Jokes.” Next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 9, with all to bring a salad or dessert. Meeting at the Fredericktown Municipal Building.

Submitted by Margaret Ann Ruhl, Secretary.