Station Break winter weather notice

Knox County Seniors

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In the event of heavy snowfall, or when ice storms create hazardous road conditions, listen to radio station WMVO 1300 or watch channels ABC, NBC or CBS or log on to Facebook at The Station Break Senior Center of Knox County to see if the center will be closed.

You may also call the Station Break at 740-397-3841 for information on weather-related closings.

Home Delivery Meal and Congregate Clients

The Station Break provides shelf stable meals to home-delivery and congregate clients in the late fall/early winter to be used when the Station Break is closed due to bad weather or unexpected circumstances.

  • Shelf-stable meals do not require refrigeration or heating.
  • Shelf-stable meals are ready to eat and require no cooking.
  • If reheating is desired, use a microwave-safe dish, not the original container.
Every attempt will be made to continue to offer the meal service as usual.

Transportation clients

If you are scheduled for transportation services on a day that the Station Break closes, you will not be transported. Have a back-up plan just in case your transportation to your appointment gets canceled on short notice.