The Mount Vernon City Council has authorized Auditor Paul Mayville to pay outstanding bills, including one from May, as he works to organize the city's financial records. The council approved the payment of several invoices in a recent meeting.
"I told you a few meetings ago that this was going to get worse before it got better," Mayville said, according to a meeting transcript. "And so I’m just trying to get organized and get set up and everybody clicking on the same tune."
According to the meeting transcript, Council member Janis Seavolt made motions on two resolutions authorizing Mayville to pay the bills. The votes were unanimous.
Mayville informed the city council about a $3,269.23 bill from Insight Public Sector dated May 12, 2023. He noted that this invoice was issued before his appointment in September 2024.
Mayville also mentioned a $7,362.39 invoice from Frost Brown Todd LLC for contract engineering dated November 19, indicating that the city was slightly late on payment. Additionally, a $10,434.16 invoice from the Treasurer of the State of Ohio for plant services received was dated December 13 with a request made on November 22.
The auditor reported that his office found a budget shortfall in the line item for council streaming services. Funds were identified in the Law Library and Urban Improvement line items to cover the $14,771.86 deficit. The council approved transferring these funds into the Networking Systems line item to cover payments to Bruce McPherson for his services.