Public Notice

Legal Notice


Date of Notice: December 14, 2024

Name and address of facility: Creek Bottom Holdings, LLC 27300 Front Royal Road and 4455 Kerr Road Walhonding, Ohio 43843

Name and address of applicants: Creek Bottom Holdings, LLC 27300 Front Royal Road Walhonding, Ohio 43843

Creek Bottom Farm, LLC 27300 Front Royal Road Walhonding, Ohio 43843

In accordance with OAC rule 901:10-6-01, public notice is hereby given that the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is accepting comments on a draft Permit to Install (PTI) and a draft Permit to Operate (PTO) for the existing facility to be called “Creek Bottom Holdings, LLC” which is located at 27300 Front Royal Road and 4455 Kerr Road, Walhonding, Ohio 43843 in Knox County, Jackson Township in the Muskingum River Watershed. If the final permits are issued, the PTI would be valid for two years and the PTO would be valid for five years.

A copy of the draft permits can be obtained by submitting a public records request using the following link: person may submit written comments and/or request a public meeting on the draft permits. A request for a public meeting must be in writing and shall state the nature of the issues to be raised at the public meeting. Comments and/or public meeting requests must be received by the DLEP office no later than 5 p.m. on January 15, 2025. Comments can either be mailed to Ohio Department of Agriculture, Division of Livestock Environmental Permitting, 8995 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 or emailed to Comments received after this date will not be considered. A public meeting will be held when required by OAC 901:10- 6-04(C) and may be held where authorized by OAC 901:10-6-01(D). Persons have a right to provide a written or oral statement for the record at the public meeting, if a meeting is scheduled.

The Division of Livestock Environmental Permitting maintains an “interested parties” list for each Ohio county as well as a statewide list for notification of all draft permits. If you would like to be added to either or both lists, please send a request to or call 614-387-0470.

December 14, 2024