Joseph and Donna Gutridge are 2024 Knox County Outstanding Senior Citizens

Knox County Seniors

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Joseph and Donna Gutridge and Knox County Commissioner Bill Pursel | Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

Joseph Gutridge was born in Perry County, Ohio, in 1939. An only child, he worked on the family farm and later at Dairy Queen in Newark, Ohio, where he met his wife, Donna White, who was born in Newark in 1938. Married since 1958, they have three children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. In 1964, they purchased and ran the former House of Carpets business in Mount Vernon, later renamed Carpet Shop, for 20 years, serving Knox and surrounding counties with flooring products. Before there was the phrase “social responsibility” for business, they lived it. 

Active in their church, Mulberry Street Church, Joe and Donna have also been founding members and leaders in the Mount Vernon Lions Club. Both have been honored as "Lion Member of the Year" multiple times. Donna is the current president, and Joe has been president several times. Both have held leadership roles at the district, zone, and state levels within the Lions Club. 

In 1971, Joe helped found the Apple Valley Property Owners Association, serving as the Activities Chair for several years and coordinated property owner activity events. He was recognized for his support of the transfer of Apple Valley to the property owners. 

Joe and Donna have dedicated their lives to family and community, remaining active even in retirement. In their 80s, they continue their Lions Club work, conducting vision tests in schools and helping families obtain glasses. They have led numerous fundraisers, including a Poinsettia fundraiser, and are often seen raising awareness of vision impairments. Their efforts have raised substantial funds for glasses and guide dogs for the blind. 

Always willing to help neighbors and friends, they drive those who cannot to events and doctor appointments and ensure a neighbor gets to a local food bank. In 2004, they supported a local visually impaired woman, Patty Yarman, in passing House Bill 369 to protect service animals by driving her to the state capital. 

Despite facing challenges such as business fires and medical issues, Joe and Donna have always supported their community with passion and compassion. They have inspired many with their dedication to service.