The Stations Break’s Lowther: ‘Our staff has become like family, and our clients often reconnect with old friends or even find new ones here’

Knox County Seniors

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Seniors at the Station Break celebrating the center's 50th anniversary. | Facebook / The Station Break

The Station Break Senior Center of Knox County, a cornerstone of senior services in the area, celebrated its 50th anniversary in May with a renewed focus on enhancing the quality of life for local seniors.

Under the leadership of Meredith Lowther, the center continues to play a pivotal role in the community, providing essential services and engaging activities to residents aged 60 and over.

“We service seniors that are 60 and older and who are Knox County residents,” Lowther told the Mount Vernon News. “We have an on-site meal program where seniors can come in for a lunchtime meal, and we offer various activities depending on the day. For those who are homebound due to health, social, or mental issues, we provide home-delivered meals, ensuring that the same hot, nutritious meals served in-house reach them at home. We cover all of Knox County with both of these programs.”

The Station Break also offers comprehensive transportation solutions. 

“We provide transportation to medical appointments both locally and out-of-county,” Lowther said. “We can travel anywhere in Ohio, including trips to the Cleveland Clinic and potentially to Cincinnati if needed. Our transportation services are donation-based, with suggested contributions varying based on the distance of the trip.”

The Station Break's reach and impact are substantial. 

“Our daily attendance can range from 25 to 60 seniors, depending on the day and the activities we have planned,” Lowther said. “We also run about 230 routes daily for our home-delivered meal program.” 

Regular events such as the Acoustic Jam Session that runs every third Sunday of the month are normal for The Station Break Senior Center of Knox County.  

Upcoming annual events such as Halloween celebrations and a countywide Christmas party are eagerly anticipated.

Reflecting on the center’s recent achievements, Lowther highlighted their 50th anniversary celebration.

“We just celebrated 50 years in May, marking a significant milestone in our service to the community,” she said. “We also honored one of our drivers for his 40 years of dedicated service. 

In July, Lowther had the honor of accepting the USAging Aging Innovations & Achievement (AIA) Award on behalf of the Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging for its ‘Expansion of Programs Through the Use of Technology.’ 

The award recognizes how The Station Break and others have leveraged technology to enhance our services for older adults in rural communities. 

Lowther, who has been with The Station Break for 17 years, shared her passion for the role. 

“I started as a part-time activity coordinator and have grown into the role of executive director. I love what I do and the people I work with. Our staff has become like family, and our clients often reconnect with old friends or even find new ones here,” she said. “We’ve even had a few marriages come out of our center!”

Lowther encourages those interested in exploring what The Station Break has to offer to pay them a visit. 

“If you’re hesitant, just give it a try. You might run into someone you know or find new friends. Our cardio drumming class, for example, has over 30 participants and is a great way to stay active,” she said. 

To learn more about The Station Break Senior Center or to get involved, visit The Station Break website or call (740) 397-3841. 

The center is located at 160 Howard Street in Mount Vernon.