Knox residents can get help to quit vaping

Health & Wellness

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Knox County Health Commissioner Zach Green | Knox County

Knox County residents seeking assistance to quit vaping or tobacco can reach out to a certified tobacco treatment specialist at Knox County Public Health to help them attain their smoke-free objectives. Mike Whittaker, the specialist, can be contacted at 740-392-2200.

According to a Facebook post by Knox Public Health, residents can sign up for complimentary cessation services. These services will offer a plan tailored specifically to each individual, incorporating strategies and resources designed to help them achieve their goals.

Knox Public Health also mentioned in another Facebook post that those who are ready to take the first step towards quitting can join a tobacco cessation support group organized by them. The meetings for this group are held every Tuesday at Knox Community Hospital.

However, there is an enrollment fee of $10 required to join the support group, as per another Facebook post by Knox Public Health. Enrollment includes eight weeks of nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges. Counseling is provided by Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist Mike Whitaker.