Kokosing Gap Trail Board repaving and fixing bumps on the trail

Local Government

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Knox County Commissioner Teresa Bemiller | Knox County

Kokosing Gap Trail Board President Randy Cronk recently announced plans to repave and fix bumps on a section of the trail. During a meeting with the Knox County Board of Commissioners, Cronk stated that the board had approved a project to address the pavement issues.

According to minutes from the meeting, Cronk revealed that the board would allocate $300,000 towards the project, coinciding with the 20-year anniversary of the trail's pavement. In addition to their own funding, the board also intends to seek grants from the Ohio Departments of Transportation and Natural Resources.

Cronk emphasized the importance of keeping communication open with the county board, stating that he wanted to inform them of the Kokosing Gap Trail Board's intentions. This collaborative approach ensures that all parties involved are aware of the project and can work together effectively.

Commissioner Teresa Bemiller, speaking on behalf of the Knox County Park District, expressed appreciation for the work done by Cronk's organization and the Heart of Ohio Trail Boards in maintaining their designated areas of the trail. Bemiller emphasized the need for coordination between the park director and all trail boards when it comes to project planning and funding applications.

The issue of project coordination was raised by Bemiller, who noted that it had been a concern for other donors and funding sources for various trail sections. By working together and coordinating efforts, the trail boards can address these concerns and ensure that the project moves forward smoothly.

The repaving and fixing of bumps on the Kokosing Gap Trail will not only improve the trail's condition but also enhance the overall experience for trail users. With the board's commitment to funding and collaboration with the county board, this project is set to make a positive impact on the trail for years to come.