Kline Trust wants to donate land to Mount Vernon

Local Government

Webp mountvernon city council mike hillier

Mount Vernon City Council | City of Mount Vernon

The Wesley L. Kline Trust has expressed its intention to donate two parcels of land on Prospect Street to the city of Mount Vernon. The announcement was made during the Mount Vernon City Council's meeting on Oct. 23. The parcels, identified as lots 7 and 8 in the Kline subdivision, are located at the end of Prospect Street.

According to property records available on the Knox County Auditor's website, lot 7 has a value of $3,860, while lot 8 is valued at $2,840. The donation of these parcels of land could provide valuable opportunities for the city of Mount Vernon.

During the City Council meeting, a resolution was presented to authorize the Safety-Service director to accept the donations. The resolution had its first reading, and further discussions and actions are expected to take place in the coming weeks.

Councilmember Mike Hillier, who chairs the City Council's Planning and Zoning committee, has requested a 15-minute committee meeting on Nov. 13 to discuss the donation further. This meeting will provide an opportunity for council members to review the details of the donation and address any questions or concerns.

The donation of these parcels of land by the Wesley L. Kline Trust could have a positive impact on the city of Mount Vernon. It could potentially be used for various purposes, such as community development projects or the expansion of public spaces. The City Council's consideration of this donation reflects the importance of community involvement and collaboration in shaping the future of Mount Vernon.