Fredericktown Senior Citizens hear from Knox County Emergency Management Agency Director J.T. Dechant


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The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met earlier this month. | Unsplash/Sincerely Media

The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, July 12. There were 25 members and guests present for the potluck luncheon. Prayer was given by Morris James before the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Knox County Emergency Management Agency Director J.T. Dechant and Assistant Director Amy Seward were our guest speakers. Their jobs are to help every citizen be prepared for any disaster. They had handouts that had lists of items to have in your safe place. During any kind of disaster, they are trained or are being trained to help lead this community.

Margaret Ann Ruhl announced the new Grand Marshals of the Fredericktown Tomato Show Parade are Ann and Larry Ullman. Ann recited the song she used to teach to her students. Seward was one of her students and she still remembers the song.

Ruhl read the Secretary’s Minutes. Larry Ullman moved to accept the minutes. Linda Shira seconded the motion and motion passed. Treasurer Phyllis Shira reported the balances in the Petty Cash and in the bank. Vonda Turner moved to accept the report and Kathryn Williams seconded. The motion passed.

Birthdays for the month of July are Marilyn Smith, Mary Mavis and Jim Rousseau. The only death reported was Dr. Ed Bowlus, age 98. No Anniversaries were reported. 

Old Business: Ruhl announced the trips on Sept. 21 to LaComedia for "Grumpy Old Men," Oct. 18 to Stan Hywet House and Gardens, and lastly Nov. 2 to LaComedia for "Miracle on 34th Street." 

New Business: none to report. 

Announcements – Farmers Market every Thursday on the square from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Neighborhood Watch at Village Council Chambers every third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.; Interchurch Social Services extended hours on Thursdays to 6:30 p.m. 

Remember, Jackie Brewer is improving slowly and Judy Ebersole is having knee repaired. 

Next meeting is August 9 with Gary Chapman, Fredericktown Superintendent as the guest speaker. 

Meeting adjourned by Morris James and second by Vonda Turner.