Constitutional amendment could threaten democracy

Letter to the Editor

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A Letter to the Editor was submitted to the Mount Vernon News. | Unsplash/Ilya Pavlov

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the current effort in Ohio to require a majority for citizen-led amendments to the state constitution. In an era where citizen engagement and democratic principles are vital, this proposed initiative threatens to hinder the voices of Ohio’s citizens and undermine the very essence of our state’s democracy.

This initiative would drastically raise the bar by mandating a super-majority vote for citizen-led initiatives while maintaining a simple majority for legislatively driven amendments. This unequal treatment would create unnecessary obstacles and restrict the power of Ohio’s citizens to the laws and policies that profoundly impact their lives.

Furthermore, the proposal to double the number of counties from 44 to 88 for signature requirements would place an even greater burden on citizen-led initiatives. This additional requirement not only discourages individuals and grassroots organizations from actively engaging in the process but also limits the diversity of perspectives and experiences that should be adequately represented in our decision-making.

If this initiative were to pass, it would significantly diminish the voices of Ohio citizens on critical issues that have been identified as important by people themselves. For instance, matters such as minimum wage, gerrymandering and abortion rights directly affect the lives of countless Ohioans and should continue to be decided by a majority rule. Democracy thrives when the power is vested in the hands of the people rather than being concentrated in the hands of a select few.

Therefore, I urge all Ohioans to stand against this proposed resolution and protect the democratic principles that have long defined our state. Let us preserve the existing system that has effectively served us, ensuring that the voices of all Ohio citizens continue to be heard and considered in shaping the future of our great state. I encourage you to reach out to your representatives, attend public hearings and join advocacy efforts to safeguard our democratic values.

Together, we can protect the right of every Ohioan, regardless of income or background, to actively participate in the democratic process and advocate for the issues they hold dear. Let us stand united in the pursuit of a democracy that remains inclusive, fair and representative of all voices.


Ethan Reynolds

Mount Vernon/Pleasant Township