Knox Pomona Grange reminds grangers to prepare resolutions for State Grange


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The next meeting will be at Monroe-Dan Emmett on July 17. | Unsplash/The Climate Reality Project

The Knox County Pomona Grange met at Harrison Grange on June 19. County Deputy Cindy Campbell called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. in the absence of Lonnie Totten. There were 16 members and one guest present for the meeting.

Legislative Chairperson Sue Roy announced that she and Margaret Ann Ruhl were planning to have some more podcasts later this month. We will be talking about the Farm Bill, why wheat is cheap, the retirement of the Ohio State Fair manager and that we will have a table at the Ohio State Fair. The podcast can be found on YouTube under "Ohio State Grange."

Mary Jewell, Family Activities chairperson, reported that in August we will be judging the crafts and photos with the winners going to the Ohio State Grange Convention.

Bruce Roy, Youth chairman, said there were only four youths that attended the State Grange Youth Camp. We need more members to attend these important camps. Sue Roy reported that the Junior Camp is coming up on July 5 through July 8 and has 25 juniors planning on attending. Knox County is sending Zoey Howard this year. Zoey has gone last year and is excited to go this year.

The Ohio State Grange is looking for a deaf director and legislative director. Anyone interested should contact Ohio State Grange President Mike Russell.

Campbell reported on the Ohio State Grange talent contest held on June 17 at the Ohio State Grange Office. There were 12 entries from readings to singing. The Best of Show went to Kia Shaffer for singing and second place went to Totten for his reading. The Ohio State Grange needs volunteers to work the Ohio State Fair and the Farm Science Review. Contact the Ohio State Grange if you are interested. The Ohio Grange magazine will come out soon, so be on the lookout for it. On July 15, workers are needed to help clean the pop stands and the fair booths. We will be starting at 9 a.m. at the Knox County Fairgrounds. The fair booths will go up on July 20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The earlier the better, before it gets too hot. The Pomona booth will be put together with items from all the granges in the county. 

Remember, it is the 150th anniversary of the Ohio State Grange. It is also the 150th anniversary of the Wayne and Middlebury Granges. Our new delegates to the Ohio State Grange for the next two years are Sue Bateman and Totten.

Dee Smith reported that the Pop Committee sent our letters to the secretaries of all the granges in Knox County with their schedule to get workers. Please see that you get your schedules filled. Monroe-Dan Emmett participated in the First Friday in Mount Vernon. They had a lot of questions about the grange. Morgan Grange is hosting several weddings this coming month and Wayne Grange is continuing to work at the farmers market in Fredericktown on Thursday evenings.

New Business was a sympathy card for the passing of Terri Moore. Terri was very active in the grange her whole life. A donation will be sent in memory of Terri Moore to the Fredericktown Elementary School per the family's request. Remember the Terri Moore family and the Kathy Stafford family with each passing away. Sue Roy thanked all that sent her cards for the passing of her mother last month.

Reminder to be working on any resolutions to be presented to the Ohio State Grange Convention.

Lecturer Willis Smith presented a paper with "How well do you know the Ohio State Grange?" You matched the questions with the answers and Sue Roy won. We also received a word search on Ohio State Grange Contests.

The next meeting will be at Monroe-Dan Emmett on July 17. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner. Campbell will supply the sloppy Joes, chicken and buns. Totten will supply the ice cream with Monroe-Dan Emmett supplying the paper plates, plastic ware, napkins and drinks. Everyone else is to fill in the rest. There will be a short business meeting and everyone is to bring a prize for bingo.