Central Ohio Farmers Co-op asks Mount Vernon to vacate street


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Lacie Blankenhorn, Mount Vernon's development services manager | LinkedIn/Lacie Blankenhorn

The Central Ohio Farmers Co-op got a favorable recommendation from the Mount Vernon Municipal Planning Commission on its request to vacate a section of Lewis Street to make room for a new grain scale.

Jamison Price, manager of the co-op’s Mount Vernon location, told the Planning Commission at its May 11 meeting that they need that section of Lewis Street for expansion as they are having difficulty finding grounds to locate the new scale.

“We need flat ground for at least 60 feet for the scale plus approaches,” he said. “And we’re trying to consolidate our footprint smaller to make things more secure and more efficient.”

The co-op owns the property on both sides of Lewis Street between West Gambier and West Vine streets. The vacated street property would be used for the new scale and new offices, Price said.

He said it would cost $300,000 for the scale and another $200,000 to construct offices.

Lacie Blankenhorn, the city’s development services manager, told the Planning Commission that City Engineer Brian Ball said he favored the request because it will keep the co-op as an employer in the city. If the entire operation was moved outside the city, the trucks would still be coming through Mount Vernon, but wouldn't be doing business there.

“His goal is to get the rail service back in, rolling back in service, which would benefit the Heartland Commerce Park,” Blankenhorn said.

The co-op also asked the Planning Commission to consider its request to rezone 600 West Vine St. from R-2 Single and Two-Family District to GB (General Business) District.

Price said the co-op wasn’t aware that the lot on the corner of Lewis Street and West Gambier was zoned as residential. A drug house was on the lot, but the co-op tore it down three years ago. Since then, it’s been used for parking.

The Planning Commission voted to recommend to city council that the rezoning be approved.