Fredericktown Senior Citizens

Knox County Seniors

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FREDERICKTOWN – The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 11:45 a.m. There were 24 members and two guests present for the potluck luncheon. Prayer was given by Paul James, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guest speakers were Gordon “Dusty” Frazier and Jalane Miller from Snyder Funeral Home. They talked about planning a pre-need funeral service. It is a little easier to plan your funeral wants well before you need to, so it will take the pressure off the family. You can pre-pay your funeral wants, which locks in the price of your funeral (with some exceptions that can’t be locked in).

Margaret Ann Ruhl read the minutes of the last meeting. There were no corrections, so they were approved as read. Phyllis Shira read the treasurer’s report. She will be spending some money to purchase paper products for the luncheons. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

There were no birthdays in November and no anniversaries. We did acknowledge two deaths: Joanne Strong and Willie Ruhl.

Sue James announced that Centerburg Senior Citizens contacted her. They have a trip planned to the Ohio Star Theater to see “The Christmas Dinner” on Tuesday, Nov. 29. They will meet at 9 a.m. with the bus leaving at 9:30 a.m. Contact Lisa Wilson or Sue James if you are interested. The Jameses also thanked all who participated in the senior trips this past year. They will be planning the 2023 schedule and working with Brenda Gerheart and Margaret Ann Ruhl on taking over the trips.

Phyllis Shira asked Mayor Jerry Day to give an update on Fredericktown happenings. Mayor Day was unable to attend, but he sent with Shira some notable happenings. The old Water Tower has been cleaned and painted, which includes a big red “F” for “Fredericktown” on the west side. Next year, there are plans to put “Fredericktown” on the bridge at state Route 95 over state Route 13. Work is still underway on the downtown streetscape, and pictures were displayed of work to be done. A questionnaire was to be taken for input on the walk, bike and roll paths throughout Fredericktown. 

There was a reminder of the Christmas Walk on Dec. 3.

Our next meeting will be changed to the first Wednesday because the Senior Activity Center on Columbus Road will have a Christmas senior luncheon on the second Wednesday. Several members attend both places, so to allow all seniors to participate, our luncheon will be Dec. 7 at 11:45 a.m. at the Fredericktown Village Municipal Building. Christmas music will be on the agenda.

Lela Hathaway adjourned the meeting and was seconded by Ray Davis.