Letter to the Editor Common sense gun laws

Letter to the Editor

Letter to editor

To the Editor:

Regardless of whether a child goes to school in the city or in a rural area, is raised by parents or grandparents, has moved to Knox County from elsewhere or has deep roots, we can all agree that every child is entitled to education in schools that offer a safe environment. We all are deeply saddened by the frequent occurrence of school shootings; most Americans support common sense laws that would expand Brady background checks and ban assault weapons.

However, despite lacking support from most school districts, the Republican-controlled Ohio Legislature and Gov. DeWine have passed a law lowering the minimum training required for school staff to carry a gun from 700 to 24 hours. Most police and teachers oppose it because they know that it won’t make schools safer, but instead will increase the chance of innocent children, school staff and first responders being injured or killed. I am grateful that both MVCS Superintendent Bill Seder and Director of School Safety Rick Shaffer spoke against arming teachers at the school board meeting in June.

Midterm elections on Nov. 8 offer opportunities for new leadership in Ohio. As voters who agree that safety in schools is an important priority, we ought to elect leaders who vigorously support our desire to have schools that ensure a safe environment for children. Nan Whaley, running for governor, and Tim Ryan, pursuing a seat in the Senate, will meet our expectations.

Miriam Dean-Otting
