Fredericktown Senior Citizens meet in August

Knox County Seniors

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The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, Aug. 10, at theFredericktown Municipal Building. There were 22 members and two guests present at the potluck luncheon. We had a prayer by Paul James and Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.

At 12:15 p.m., Margaret Ann Ruhl introduced our guest speakers. One was Emma Malcolm, home-care provider with Kindred at Home, which is changing to Center Well Home Health on Sept. 1. The services will be the same, just a name change. Theresa Randall works for Kindred Hospice of Mount Vernon and discussed the myths and facts about hospice. Both ladies come each meeting and take attendees' blood pressure. Thanks to Vonda Turner for reminding them of the meetings and having them come to talk with the group. Emma and Theresa had appointments at 1 p.m., so they had to leave early.

Meeting was started at 12:45 p.m. by Secretary Margaret Ann Ruhl, who read the minutes of the last meeting. They were approved as read. Treasurer Phyllis Shira was not present, due to watching her great-grandson show his pig at the Hartford Fair. She sent a message that there was no change in the treasurer’s report. 

Old business: Sue James reminded us of the upcoming trips. On Aug. 16, 2022, the bus went to the Ernest Warther Museum and Gardens with other stops. On Oct. 5, the bus will go to Columbus Veterans Memorial and Franklin Park Conservatory. And the last trip scheduled is Nov. 4, back toLa Comedia Dinner Theater in Springboro for “White Christmas.” Sue reminded us that the Fredericktown Park Board pays for the bus, so all we pay for are the attractions. Still has many seats left on the last two trips, so contact Sue Jamesfor the available seats and the price to attend.

No new business was reported.

Birthdays to celebrate in the month of August are Belinda Litt (66), Sue Vaughn and Ruhl. All sang “Happy Birthday.” Anniversaries for August, if spouses were still here, were Vonda and Fred Turner and Nancy and Larry Cline. Deaths reported were Chad Barnes, Kay Young Algire and Rachel Cunningham.   

Announcements: Senior Resource Day will be coming up on Sept. 21 at the First Nazarene Church on Coshocton from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Joyce Blackford has moved to her daughter’s house in Mansfield, and Betty Grant, Waneta Divelbiss and Ruth Truex are at Country Court Nursing Center.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 14, with all to bring a covered dish or two. Guest speaker will be announced later, but it was noted that they would be interested in hearing from candidates in October.