Knox County Pomona Grange discusses fair, junior camps


Wheat field people 800

Warren Wong/Unsplash

The Knox County Pomona Grange met Monday, July 18, at the Monroe-Dan Emmett picnic shelter house. There were 21 members and 1 guest who enjoyed a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m.

At 7:15 p.m., Master Lonnie Totten called the meeting to order.

Treasurer Margaret Ann Ruhl wants to move the checking account to the CES Credit Union. In doing this, we had an Assistant Treasurer and the Secretary as signers. Since we have no Assistant Treasurer, Ruhl recommended that Cindy Campbell hold that position, since she does purchase with the debit card from time to time. All members approved the request.

Family Activities Chairperson Mary Jewell announced that the photography and crafts judging will be held at the next monthly meeting.

Youth Chairperson Bruce Roy talked about the Youth and Junior Camps. State President Sue Roy and Bruce Roy would like to combine the camps next year as it will be best for all to have activities together. Bruce Roy also reported on the recent Junior Camp which hosted 45 junior campers. They had a fun time with lots of activities.

Legislative Chairperson Sue Roy reminded everyone that resolutions are due in the Ohio State Grange Office by Sept. 1. Actually, all reports are due by Sept. 1, which includes the Community Service, Lecturers and Deaf Activities. Be listening to the next Buckeye Patrons Pulse Podcast coming out soon.

Deputy Cindy Campbell reminded everyone of the fair schedule and all granges to please fill their work schedule to help sell pop/water. All grange booths were to be put up on Wednesday, July 20, 7-9 p.m. or Thursday, July 21, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Campbell will be putting up Pomona's booth and would like something special from each subordinate grange.

Dee Smith reported that the Pop Committee hopes all granges have their workers at the fair. The suggested prices are $2 per can or 2 cans for $3. Smith will see about adding tea.

Pomona Grange voted to send a donation to the Knox County Fair Buyers Club.

Under new business, the Master Lonnie Totten appointed JoAnn Walton, Belinda Litt and Marie Walker to the nomination committee. They will have to get the officers for the upcoming new grange year.

Lecturer Will Smith had everyone tell their most important thing you did within the last 30 days.

President Sue Roy thanked all that came to the Ohio State Grange Office to help clean-up and archive many items.

Meeting ended with everyone playing Bingo, with Lonnie Totten winning. 

Next meeting will be Monday, Aug. 15, at Wayne Grange. There will be snacks after the 7 p.m. meeting.