FREDERICKTOWN – The Fredericktown Senior Citizens met on Wednesday, June 8, at the Fredericktown Municipal Building. There were 27 members and guests present to enjoy a potluck luncheon. We had a prayer by Kathryn Williams and Pledge of Allegiances to our flag.
At 12:25 p.m. Margaret Ann Ruhl introduced our guest speaker. State Representative Shawn Stevens, newly appointed to represent the 68th District, which is all of Knox County and the eastern part of Delaware County. Stevens has only represented the district since March 2022 and is currently fulfilling the unexpired term of State Representative Rick Carfagna, who resigned in February. Many questions were asked in regards to the schools, gun control and budgets. Representative Stevens lives in Sunbury with his wife and three children and will be on the ballot on Aug. 2.
Also, guest speaker Mayor Jerry Day from Fredericktown gave an update on the items happening in the village. Day was glad to see Representative Stevens here as the State of Ohio Department of Transportation has changed what they will pay for on the State Route 95 improvements. Other projects include changes with the storm water drains and improving the old water tower. Several questions were asked from the group on the splash pool and the traffic signals. All thanked the mayor for attending.
Meeting was started by Secretary Margaret Ann Ruhl, who read the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Phyllis Shira said there was no change in the treasurer’s report. Shira also read a thank you card from Ruth Douglas in regards to the cards, food and calls over her cancer treatment.
Old Business – Sue James reminded us of the upcoming trips. On July 21, 2022, the bus is heading to Canton Football Hall of Fame with Hartville shopping. We need more people to sign up as we have a bus for 56 people and only 30 so far. Other trips planned are on Aug. 16, 2022, the bus is going to the Ernest Warther Museum & Gardens with other stops. Oct. 5, the bus will go to Columbus Veterans Memorial and Franklin Park Conservatory. And the last trip scheduled is November 4, back to LaComedia Dinner Theater in Springboro for “White Christmas.” Contact Sue James for the available seats and price to attend.
New Business– The Fredericktown Alumni Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, June 25, at the High School. Call Nancy Hollifield for reservations at 740-694-6836. Cost is $15.00 with reception at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Birthdays to celebrate in the month of June are Joanne Baugher, Phyllis Shira and June Carpenter. All sang “Happy Birthday.” Anniversaries for June were Bernard & Martha Blanchard; Ray and Pat Davis and Morris and Sue James. All sang Happy Anniversary. No deaths reported. It was reported that Shirley Osborn was at Morrow Manor, but later I heard she passed away.
Announcements – Dumpsters will be at the Police Station on Saturday, June 11, starting at 8 a.m. to noon. Ann Ullman told a funny story to end the meeting.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 13, with all to bring a covered dish or two. Guest speaker be announced later. Again, meeting at the Fredericktown Municipal Building at 11:45 a.m.
Submitted by Margaret AnnRuhl, Secretary.