Wayne Grange to participate in baking contest


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Wayne Grange met on Friday, Jan. 21, with Master Jordan Miller opening the meeting. There were 10 members and one guest present.

Legislative report from Jordan Miller was an article in Growing Ohio. It was on Revive Victory Gardens, which is taking a new purpose and is promoted by Ohio Department of Agriculture through the OSU Extension office.

Report on the State Youth activities from the last weekend. The Youth went to Cleveland to see the Aquarium and enjoy the Arcade. It was Friday, Jan. 14, through Jan. 16, with them leaving early Sunday to get home before the snow arrived.

Dee Smith reminded everyone that the March meeting will be the inspection and the baking contest. Winners of the baking contest will go to Pomona in March, the Monday after our meeting. Look in the Ohio State Grange magazine, September/October issue, for the baking contests. You can be working on the crafts and photos for July or August meeting.

Jordan Miller reported that the county dartball league had started. Wayne Grange record is won one game and lost five so far. 

Cathy Morey read communications from Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission, thanking us for our donation. Touch Point sent a letter thanking us for our donation. The American Legion sent a thank you for our donation in memory of Joyce Pence. State Grange Master/President sent a letter explaining about a dog killing in Muskingum County that involved a grange member.

Under new business, there is a magazine published for all of Fredericktown on a quarterly basis, called 43019. It was decided to have an article in the next magazine about Wayne Grange. Jordan Miller volunteered to write the article.

Only one member reported ill, which was Mary Beutel, who is at Whispering Hills Nursing Home. A card is to be sent from the Grange wishing her well.

Cathy Morey had the Lecturer's program. She distributed a number search, like a work search to everyone. Terri Moore read a story "Love is Blind." 

Next meeting is Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. Margaret Ann Ruhl and Ellen Messenger on the program.

Submitted by Belinda Litt, Reporter.