Second Chance Grants offered to adults restarting their college careers


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Ohioans who have started their college careers but have been unable to complete a degree are in luck, as Ohio’s colleges and universities are accepting applications for Second Chance Grants.

According to a recent news release, the grant’s focus is to help people complete their college degrees by providing 1,500 Ohio residents with $2,000 grants. About 1.3 million people are.eligible, about double the amount of students enrolled in colleges in Ohio. It is estimated 1.5 million Ohio residents have received credits but not finished their degree.

“Ohio’s economy is strong and job opportunities are everywhere, especially for Ohioans with the skills employers are really seeking right now in health care, computer technology and advanced manufacturing,” said Western Governors University (WGU) Ohio Chancellor K.L. Allen.

WGU officials are encouraging people to sign up soon, before the funds run out. The university added that the enrollment system is programmed to accept the Second Chance Grants as way of making the enrollment process easier.

“The Ohioans who are best positioned for these opportunities are those who already have some of their degrees under their belts. Now they can finish up those degrees with major contributions from Ohio and WGU can help make it happen quickly thanks to our at-home, online model and because we work with all major tuition assistance programs like Second Chance,” Allen said.

According to the release, WGU’s online, competency-based program is “tailor-made” for Second Chance Grant students, who are often older with full-time jobs, families or other obligations. Currently, more than 4,400 Ohioans are enrolled in the WGU Ohio degree program.

The release said that the objectives of the Second Chance Grant are to reduce financial barriers preventing Ohio residents from finishing their degrees. For this reason, it is recommended to higher education institutions to promote the program to students who qualify, and can be combined with other financial aid programs.

For more information on Second Chance Grants, visit More information about WGU Ohio’s programs can be found at