Knox health plan calls for expanding transportation, broadband to improve access to health care

Health & Wellness

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Over the next three years, access to health care, broadband Internet and mental heath will be focuses of the county's public health plan. |

A new three-year Community Health Improvement Plan for Knox County focuses on expanding transportation, removing the stigma on mental health and expanding broadband Internet access, according to a news release from Knox Public Health (KPH).

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) was based on a countywide survey, the Community Health Assessment (CHA) conducted every three years, officials said.

“The CHA provides the foundation for improving our community, and the CHIP puts improvement goals into focus,” Carmen Barbuto of Knox Public Health said in the release. “We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated coalition here in Knox County that understands the importance of documents like the CHA and CHIP to improve the overall health and quality of life for our residents.”

The survey found that access to health care was a major concern of Knox County residents.

"County residents have limited access to public transportation and private transportation services," the release said. "Knox County also has a need for more medical providers in the area, with a physician ratio of one to every 960 residents, as compared to a ratio of one to 172 for the state of Ohio."

Goals in the improvement plan include "a transportation assessment to determine operational hour increases and an effort to establish additional  private services (Lyft, Uber, etc.) to the county," the news release said.

Other topics addressed by the plan are mental health and broadband Internet access.

Mental health and substance abuse issues "are not new to Knox County," the news release said

About 37% of county residents personally know someone with addiction.

"On average, our residents suffer through nine poor mental health days per month," officials said.

The 2021 survey found that many residents aren't aware of the resources available for help in the county.

"Having internet access is vital for residents seeking health information and resources," the news release said. "Access to information empowers individuals to take control of their health, and to advocate for their health and needed resources. KHPP has and will continue to advocate for infrastructure improvements, connecting all residents with access to broadband."