Columbia Gas contractor to restore yards, sidewalks after pipeline replacement on west side

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Workers locate gas lines before digging a new project. | Columbia Gas/Facebook

MOUNT VERNON – A contractor for Columbia Gas will restore any property affected by its ongoing work to replace natural gas pipelines for several hundred Mount Vernon residences on the west side.

Approximately 11,000 feet of main natural gas line and service lines that connect homes and businesses to the Columbia Gas System will be replaced. Appointments with the property owners will be scheduled by Mid-Ohio Pipeline, the utility’s contractor.

“We have old bare steel and cast iron pipe in the ground throughout our service area. That pipe has served us well, but it's also been in the ground for decades upon decades,” Ben Cutler, public affairs specialist for Columbia Gas of Ohio, told the Mount Vernon News.

This is the fourth natural gas pipe replacement project in Mount Vernon, Cutler said. The new plastic pipe can expand and contract with shifting temperatures, it can bend to the contour of the Earth and has a longer lifespan than the old pipe, he said.

Since the natural gas supplier is increasing the pressure, it is required to move all meters outside. The increase pressure enables homeowners to add more natural gas appliances in their homes, he said.

Some disruptions to the neighborhood, including occasional gas outages of two to four hours and digging up yards, sidewalks and streets, are expected.

Full restoration of the properties, streets and sidewalks will be completed once the full project is done, which Cutler estimated will take three to four months.

“Anything that we do touch, we do disturb, gets restored,” he said. 

Most of the work will occur on Greenwood Avenue and North Harrison, West Walnut, West Sugar, West Chestnut and Maple streets.

Call Cutler at 216-215-4103 about buried sprinkler or septics systems, invisible fences, cisterns or other concerns about the project.

The next virtual meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 21. Visit or call 203-607-0564 or 888-692-3580. Use access code 173-694-5189.