Pandemic spurs Mount Vernon entrepreneur to create My Ties To Dye For


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The work of My Ties to Dye For in Mount Vernon. | Submitted photo

MOUNT VERNON – The COVID-19 pandemic provided the inspiration for Laurynn Worley to launch her own business.

Worley owns My Ties To Dye For, a Mount Vernon shop specializing in unique tie-dyed clothing that goes beyond simple, spiral T-shirts.

"She's doing complex geometric shapes and other designs on multiple different items," Craig Parks, Laurynn's husband, wrote in a letter to the Mount Vernon News. "She utilizes a broad array of techniques and applications to create visually stunning works."

The accompanying photos supplied by the artist illustrate her creativity. The story of her business illustrates the entrepreneurial spirit she demonstrated in the pandemic's wake.

"You see, she’s only been doing it since last year," Parks said of his wife's business efforts. "Once the pandemic started to take hold in our state and community, she felt compelled to do something to help."

Determined to launch a tie-dye business, Worley researched techniques and ordered supplies. An additional spark came from the couple's involvement in "jam band" culture, where tie-dye clothing is "a standard uniform," according to Parks.

"She began making really amazing dyes right off the bat and selling them for absolutely zero profit," Parks wrote. "All the funds went to Knox Community Hospital to help with COVID efforts."

After those early efforts, Worley started seeing demand build from friends, family and online shoppers. Spurred by the fun she had doing tie-dye as well as consumer interest, she added the know-how needed to tackle more challenging techniques and designs.

"She has now completed many orders to local residents and folks from out-of-state as well," Parks said in the letter. Her work includes a couple of large orders for Rustic Knolls Campground and a company shirt for the owner of Unhasty Coffee Company.

"Her online shop does very well also," Parks added. "She dyes everything from leggings, shirts, dresses and sweatshirts to tapestries, purses/bags and facemasks. Definitely a unique local business worth checking out, in my opinion."

Visit Worley's store at