Letters to the Editor: September 23, 2020


Kelsea Ressing | Garrett Ressing

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To the Editor, 

Pet's lives matter!

Kelsea Ressing, our 11 1/2 year old Goldendoodle passed away into dog heaven on September 14, 2020. She was the most wonderful companion, friend and loved by all that met her.

Pet lives matter more now than ever because of COVID-19 with social distancing and being home with you pet all day.

Kelsea wanted to have a pet lives matter parade around the wonderful pet water fountain in downtown Mount Vernon.

Pets are true and big help to their owners in this difficult time.

Garrett Ressing

Gambier, OH


To the Editor,

I'm enjoying the new format of the Mount Vernon News. You're offering a lot more local news than we had before.

Though that's very important, I would also like to see an update on professional sports as their last scores and standings in their divisions. All kinds of playoffs are going on now and we readers would like to know about them.

Phyllis Guller

Mount Vernon, OH


To the Editor,

In response to the people who are concerned about the direction this country has been going, I say yes, this country is in trouble, big trouble.

We are told that “alternative realities” actually do exist, dishonesty is explainable, the truth is expendable and facts are replaceable.

We are led to believe that Americans are divided by “us and them. "Us” are right and good while “them” have no redeeming value and don’t deserve to demand anything.

We are being convinced that the federal government (White House) has no obligation to be truthful and transparent with the people. Professional federal workers who try to be forthcoming are quickly replaced by incompetent cult members who spin their conspiracies to strengthen their hold on the power given to them.

We have repeatedly witnessed gross violations of the Constitution that was designed to prevent what is happening today: the establishment of concentration of power in one man, a dictator.

We are lulled into believing that our friends are our enemies and our foes are our friends.

We are brainwashed into accepting the notions that a government of the people, by the people, for the people is no longer valued as in Russia, Turkey, North Korea, United Arab Republic, Syria, etc.; places where dictatorships murder or jail opponents. These practices seem to fascinate the present leadership to the point of pushing the people toward killing the soul of America to imitate them.

So yes, ”We The People” are in real trouble unless we exercise one of our last freedoms, the right to vote. However, even the right to vote is in peril since the integrity of our USPS has been sabotaged and the number of polling places subverted.

One suggestion I would like to offer to concerned people is to read publications about Nazi war criminals and the history of Fascism to imagine what this country is becoming. I for one no longer recognize the America I once knew.

Roberta Sorensen

Howard, Ohio