The Empowerment Alliance

155 E Main St, Lexington, KY 40507-1300


Recent News

Afternoon Tea: What Americans need to know about infrastructure talks
Jun 10, 2021
Republican leaders in Congress have put forth their own infrastructure plan that attempts to find common ground with Biden, while applying common-sense principles that protect America’s future.
Afternoon Tea: Americans are smarter than the Green New Deal
Jun 2, 2021
Welcome to a special Memorial Day edition of the Afternoon TEA.Did you know?When American voters are asked: “Is a clean environment important to you?” just about everyone replies yes.
Afternoon Tea: A plan to kill American energy independence
May 26, 2021
The International Energy Agency recently released a report calling for “net-zero emissions” by 2050, as well as eliminating gas-powered cars by 2035 and an end to new oil and gas development almost immediately.
Afternoon Tea: 130 people died because of bad energy policies
May 19, 2021
In the Texas cold snap last February, 130 people died after “critical pieces of natural-gas infrastructure” were shut down.
Afternoon Tea: Climate Alarmism’s Greatest Hits
May 12, 2021
Recently, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said, “Even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere … This is a bigger challenge than a lot of people have grabbed onto yet.”
Afternoon Tea: Biden earns "F" for first 100 days
May 5, 2021
We recently passed President Biden’s first 100 days in office and just about everybody is assessing the impact of his policies and what they mean for the American people. Unfortunately, with the course Biden has set, our nation’s energy picture couldn’t be cloudier.
Afternoon Tea: Climate burden placed on American workers, while China gets a pass
Apr 29, 2021
The White House recently hosted a summit of world leaders to discuss climate change and emissions limits the United States would impose on itself under the Paris Climate Agreement.
Afternoon Tea: The damaging costs of taxing energy
Apr 21, 2021
Access to affordable, reliable energy is one thing that can make a difference for American families and businesses trying to recover from last year.
Afternoon Tea: The scary details in Biden’s $2 trillion “infrastructure” plan
Apr 15, 2021
Hidden among the huge tax hikes and sweeping proposals to “reimagine and rebuild a new economy” are some other very questionable proposals that will harm our energy future:
Afternoon Tea: Selling our energy independence to China
Apr 7, 2021
In the first two months of 2021, China’s natural gas output was 13.5% over the previous year.
Afternoon TEA: Wind Energy Fails Texas
Mar 30, 2021
Millions of American businesses and households—over 2.5 million in Texas alone—recently experienced rolling blackouts as extreme winter weather blanketed the Central U.S.
Afternoon TEA: Biden’s Electricity Math Doesn’t Add Up
Mar 30, 2021
Joe Biden’s newly appointed “Climate Czar” Gina McCarthy recently said, “Everything eventually has to be electrified. And so we need to have a grid system that actually allows that to be seamless. Renewable energy is cheaper, so it doesn’t matter if you’re in a Democratic state or a Republican state, it’s essential for a clean, healthy and productive future.”
Afternoon TEA: We Should Thank Our American Energy Workers
Mar 30, 2021
The natural gas industry alone supports 4.1 million U.S. jobs.
Afternoon TEA: Biden Attacks On Our Energy Independence
Mar 30, 2021
In the last few weeks, a series of Iran-backed attacks in the Middle East have shown that American adversaries are feeling emboldened.
Afternoon TEA: Natural Gas Vehicles Drive the American Supply Chain
Mar 30, 2021
Natural gas currently powers more than 175,000 vehicles in the United States.
Afternoon TEA: Biden’s “Green” Energy and Genocide Hypocrisy
Mar 30, 2021
President Biden has recently said China is committing “genocide” against its own citizens in the region of Xinjiang,