More than 50 individuals participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Liberty Crossing housing development, located off Newark Road on Mount Vernon's south side, on February 5.
According to a City of Mount Vernon Facebook post, representatives from various organizations attended the event. These included the city itself, Knox County Area Development Foundation, Knox County Chamber of Commerce, Highland Real Estate, D.R. Horton home builders, McDaniels Development, and religious leaders. Additionally, representatives from the offices of State Senator Andrew Brenner and U.S. Representative Troy Balderson were present.
The City Council approved Highland Real Estate's development plan for the approximately 100-acre site intended for 477 residential units. The development will be situated on the western side of Newark Road, immediately south of the Mohaven subdivision and north of Irish Hills Golf Club. Gary Smith from GQ Planning and Design said that no eminent domain would be used for this project and assured that no one's front yard or trees would be taken as developers lack such authority.
Highland Real Estate proposed that the 477 residential units would comprise 93 single-family homes, 42 patio homes, 112 townhomes, and 230 multi-family residential units up to three stories tall.
The property features an existing stream known as Delano Run along its western boundary for most of its 102 acres.
Scott Mallory from Highland Real Estate referenced a study titled "2021 Knox County Forecasted Housing Need," which indicated an annual shortfall of 400 housing units in Knox County and Mount Vernon.