Sealed Bids for the construction of Updike Road Improvements for Hilliar Township, Knox County will be received by Hilliar Township Trustees at 5120 Columbus Road, Centerburg, Ohio 43011 until 10:00 AM, local time, December 30, 2024 and at that time and place will be publicly opened and read.
The work for which Bids are invited consists of the furnishing of all materials and labor for the 3’ widening with reshaping/ cleaning of the ditches and a 1.5” milling and resurfacing on Updike Road from Rich Hill Road to Johnsville Road.
The estimated construction cost for this project is $725,000.00.
Copies of the Contract Documents are on file in the Hilliar Township Garage at 5120 Columbus Road, Centerburg, Ohio 43011; in the office of Engineering Associates, Inc., 1935 Eagle Pass, Wooster, Ohio 44691; and in the Dodge and Builders Exchange offices and are available for inspection by prospective bidders. Contract Documents must be purchased from the office of Engineering Associates, Inc. for a cost of $80.00 per set, none of which is refundable. Bidders are required to register with and obtain Bidding Documents from the office of Engineering Associates, Inc.
Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal, a Bid Guaranty in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bid security furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety.
Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the proposal and all persons interested therein. Each bidder must submit evidence of its experiences on projects of similar size and complexity. The Owner intends and requires that this project be completed no later than August 31, 2025.
All contractors and subcontractors involved with the project will, to the extent practicable use Ohio products, materials, services and labor in the implementation of the project. Additionally, contractor compliance with equal employment opportunity requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123 is required.
Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Knox County and the Hilliar Township, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Wage and Hour Division, (614) 644-2239.
The right is reserved by the Trustee of Hilliar Township to reject any and all Bids, to waive informalities or to accept any Bid which is deemed favorable to the Hilliar Township.
By Order of Trustee, Hilliar Township
Eric Cochran, Trustee Hilliar Township
December 14 and 21, 2024