Letter to the Editor: Trump plays the same old tune

Letter to the Editor

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A Letter to the Editor was submitted to the Mount Vernon News. | Unsplash/NordWood Themes

Trump plays the same old tune stirring the pot of hate. Never say you’re wrong, call the real news fake news. Lying about just about everything, except a few. When he says he would be a dictator on the 1st day, I believe him. When he says "If I win this election, you won’t have to vote again," I believe him.

A president should surround himself with experts of different opinions. He or she should listen before making decisions, not just wanting a bunch of "yes" people.

He divides people. He will never say anything good about those that disagree with him.

Yet often on social media, TV, etc. spouting the same lies over and over. It’s a form of brainwashing.

Let me ask you. Do you think the people of Germany were at least the majority good people? They supported Hitler. Trump is taking this right out of Hitler’s playbook. What he says matters. Quit saying he doesn’t mean it. Vote Harris and really save America.

Ron Meharry

Mount Vernon, Ohio