Letter to the Editor: Do not fall for the 'lies of the snake'

Letter to the Editor

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A Letter to the Editor was submitted to the Mount Vernon News. | Unsplash/NordWood Themes

There is an old saying that goes like this, “There is none so blind as those who will not see.” 

I compare Kamala to the snake in the ‘Garden of Eden.’ The snake lied to Adam and Eve and deceived them to the snake’s way of thinking. Kamala Harris is just like that!!

Under Donald Trump we had low gasoline prices, we were energy independent, a strong economy, border security, a strong military and respect for America. 

Under Kamala and Joe, we have high gas prices, we buy oil from countries that hate us, record high inflation, a weak military, and a border that is out of control! Over 10 million illegal aliens that rape, murder, steal and are given millions of dollars in benefits, like free health care, free housing, free education, all at the expense of the American taxpayers.

Kamala says she will fix all these problems on day one. Well, day one began for her 3 ½ years ago!!! 

Do not fall for the “lies of the snake,” take off the blinders and see Kamala for what she really is. Then, vote for the restoration of America.

Dick & Shirley Porter

Gambier, Ohio