Letter to the Editor: Overwhelming majority against industrial solar farmland at 3rd Ohio Power Siting Board hearing

Letter to the Editor

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Knox County Commission candidate Drenda Keesee | Facebook / Drenda Keesee

I attended all three Ohio Power Siting Board hearings on the Frasier Solar project, and as the Republican nominee for Knox County Commissioner and a citizen opposing this hidden agenda in the works for many years, this case by sheer numbers is landmark, and the 3rd meeting was the most telling of all!

Local residents whose lives will be forever impacted finally had opportunity to speak (now that college students and lobbyists have gone home for break). The percentage of Knox County residents who signed in opposition at the first hearing was approximately 73.6% against and 26.4% for the project (and many “for” were not residents). But at this hearing real residents shared their stories of devastation by solar farm-field agendas that were hidden from them by officials and even neighbors prodded by Open Roads’ “hush money” contracts of up to 15,000! 

What was most prominent in their testimonies was the pain and sorrow the Open Roads Frasier solar project has created. Some of these residents are fifth-generation farmers. Many shed tears telling their story of waking up “last to hear” about this nightmare but the most impacted.  Don’t tell any of them Open Roads cares about our community or its residents. Other young families purchased homes to live next to grandparents only to learn their children will be playing 100 yds. from large-scale industrial developments if this project is approved.

Residents bordering the project are known as Intervenor’s and their attorney could not be present. Taking advantage of this, the pro-solar attorney cross examined almost every intervenor after they spoke. Hopefully, Frasier’s apparent bullying of locals was noted by the OPSB. Regardless, residents emphatically made it clear, we don't want this project here. Only one testimony (a union worker outside of Knox) spoke for the project.

All three Miller township trustees spoke too, and added their arguments against solar fields along with reading an unanimous resolution against the Frasier solar project. All together 18 Knox townships have made resolutions against industrial solar fields, along with the Mount Vernon City Council whose members only recently discovered that 100 acres in the proposed site are in the city limits (going contrary to proposed city developmental plans).

Authorities and residents expressed their concern for the wildlife, environment, safety, revenue loss, road damage, construction issues, loss of fertile farm ground, drainage and flooding issues, inability to screen views, loss of tranquility, lawsuits, liens, and decline in home values. The sense of betrayal by both state and local government, neighbors, and especially Open Roads Renewables was real.

The battle is not finished. Another hearing occurs in Columbus, August 19th. Current Knox County Commissioners (Collier, Bemiller, Purcell) should make a resolution against large-scale solar facilities in Knox County which would likely kill the Frasier project, and the Ohio Power Siting Board is still receiving your comments on their website, case number 23-0796-EL-BGN.

Keep fighting! 

I am. 

Best Regards,

Drenda Keesee