Knox County Sheriff’s Reports, Nov. 1

Crime & Courts

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Initial Narrative By David Nally, 11/01/23 09:46

Case S-P2302232

One November 1st, while working routine traffic in the East Knox School Zone, a deputy made a traffic stop. A citation was issued for the school zone violation. Drugs and related items were also located after Deputies conducted a probable cause search of the vehicle and items were seized.

Initial Narrative By David Devolld, 11/01/23 14:32

Case S-P2302234

The complainant called the Sheriff's Office to report that he was stuck in someone's yard. The incident was documented for the property owner who was not present.

Initial Narrative By Shari Rice, 11/01/23 23:53

Case S-P2302238

Caller reported a juvenile was upset about custody issues. Juvenile told caller he had a knife and cut himself. Upon the arrival of law enforcement and EMS, the juvenile was upset but had not harmed himself. The juvenile was transported to KCH for a mental health evaluation.

Initial Narrative By J.P. Paul, 11/01/23 19:51

Case S-P2302240

Complainant called to report that her Husband had locked her out of the home due to having a disagreement and wanted the incident documented.