Mount Vernon paying extra to employees who took on Safety-Service Director duties

Local Government

Mountvernon tammy woods

Mount Vernon City Councilmember Tammy Woods | Mount Vernon/YouTube

The Mount Vernon City Council has approved a measure to pay several employees an additional $500 biweekly for taking on the duties of the Safety-Service Director until a replacement was appointed. The vote was taken on October 9th, the same day that Mayor Matt Starr announced the appointment of a new director.

According to the ordinance, the salaries of the city engineer, development service manager, director of Human Resources, and director of Public Works will be increased by $500 biweekly for the duration of their additional responsibilities. This decision was made to acknowledge and compensate the employees for taking on the extra workload.

Mayor Matt Starr expressed his gratitude to the employees for stepping up during the vacancy in the Safety-Service Director position. The minutes from the meeting reveal that he also announced the appointment of former City Council member Tanner Salyers to the position. Salyers, who had been serving as the Knox County Recorder and the city's Recreation director, will now take on the role of Safety-Service Director.

The position became vacant when former director Rick Dzik resigned to accept a job as the city manager of Huber Heights, Ohio. Dzik began his new position on September 11th, as reported in an article from the Mount Vernon News on August 31st.

The decision to provide additional compensation to employees who assumed the duties of the Safety-Service Director reflects the recognition of their efforts and dedication to the city. The City Council's approval ensures that these employees are appropriately acknowledged and rewarded for their temporary roles.