Knox County Career Center engages community to discuss future goals and funding levy


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Knox County Career Center hosted a community event. | Nick Smallwood

The Knox County Career Center opened its doors to the community Thursday night to discuss their goals for the near future.

Superintendent Kathy Greenich led the conversation along with High School Director Elaine Robinson and KTC Director Kim Williams. The topic of the evening centered around an upcoming levy to increase funding to the Career Center. If passed, this will provide funding for several expansions and refurbishments for facilities at the Knox County Career Center. 

The evening began with an Italian buffet prepared by culinary students under the supervision of Chef Russo. The buffet included beef tortellini, Italian orange cake, and grilled marinated chicken. Students also provided beverages at guest’s tables. AFJROTC led the gathering in the pledge of allegiance, as well as the presentation of colors. Many in attendance were KCCC graduates.