Knox County Board
of Revision
Case No. 23BOR01-0020
Shelley Coon, Knox County Treasurer
Estate of Jack Joseph Scoles, et al
Judgment has been rendered in the above captioned case for taxes, assessments, interest, penalties, and costs (plus any additional taxes, assessments, interest, penalties and costs, or other charges due and payable as of the date of confirmation of sale), against real property (Parcel No. 21-00394.000, commonly known as 12472 East Street, Howard, Ohio 43028) the legal description for which may be found in Plaintiff’s Complaint, a copy of which is available from the office of the Knox County Clerk of Courts, 117 E High Street, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050. The Knox County Auditor’s Fair Market Value of the property is $12,140.00. The Board of Revision has ordered the property to be sold by the Sheriff of Knox County, Ohio for no less than $8,012.00. This property will be sold subject to the terms of Sections 323.65 to 323.79 of the Revised Code.
The Sheriff’s Sale will be conducted online on October 6, 2023. Go to for details. In the event the property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be re-offered for sale on October 13, 2023 for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment on said parcel. Terms: 10% of purchase price but not less than $500.00 on day of sale with balance in 30 days or upon receipt of Sheriff’s Deed, whichever is later. Payment method is check, money order, or bank check only.
David Shaffer
Knox County Sheriff
Charles T. McConville
Prosecuting Attorney
117 E High Street, Suite 234
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
Contact Treasurer at: 740-393-6735