Morgan Junior/Youth booth won first place at the fair, grange booth placed fourth


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The Morgan Junior/Youth booth won first place at the fair. | Adobe Stock

Sixteen members of Morgan Grange #829 met for their monthly meeting on Friday, Aug. 11, with Master Will Smith calling the meeting to order. Thanks were given to all members who helped to sell pop at the fair or contributed items for the fair booth. Morgan's fair booth placed fourth, and the Morgan Junior/Youth booth won first place. Cindy Campbell and Will and Dee Smith attended Bruce Roy's memorial service. It was announced that Pomona Grange will meet on Monday, Aug. 21, at Morgan to elect officers, and the county contest judging will be held. Morgan will be catering a dinner for the Utica High School 1968 class reunion on Friday, Aug. 25. Sept. 1 is the resolution deadline, and all committee reports are to be turned in to the Ohio State Grange office.

It was reported that the pop sales at the fair were a little better than last year and that Wednesday's sales set a single-day record for the last 10 years. Morgan received a thank you card from the Mount Vernon Developmental Center for providing pop to the patients who attended the fair. 

Concerns were expressed for Terri Barber, Ron and Aileen Hiltner and Paul Hunter. Members with birthdays this month are Ned Campbell and Oneta Debolt. Couples with anniversaries include John and Sue Bateman, Robert and Kristi McVay, and Randy and Rita Smith.

Dorthy Hughes shared the details of a Badge of Mourning Funeral rite for Grange members from a Pleasant Township grange manual dated 1917. Loretta Crego and Judy Williams placed first for each of their needlework contest entries. The photography winners are Dee Smith. Cindy Campbell and Sue Bateman.

Morgan Grange will meet for their next meeting on Friday, Sept. 8, at 6:30 p.m. for a potluck dinner with the committee to provide the meat. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m., and we will honor long-time members.