City plans improvements to cemetery, intersections


Moundview cemeter

The city has prepared a video and posted it on YouTube to share best practices, rules and tips about the Mound View Cemetery. | Mount Vernon/YouTube

MOUNT VERNON – A video showing a brief overview of Mound View Cemetery and best practices for those visiting has been posted on the City of Mount Vernon's YouTube channel. Public Works Director Tom Hinkle said it was a good resource to answer public questions or explain what is allowed at the cemetery.

Construction on the maintenance building is progressing well, he said. The concrete foundation, walls and floor have been poured and finished. Hookups for water and sewer have been installed. The trusses and all exterior walls are up, but they haven’t started putting any metal on yet.

First set of intersection pole arms shipped to Mount Vernon

Intersection improvements at Belmont and Mansfield Avenues and Mansfield and Nash/Nuce Streets continue, but more parts must be delivered for completion.

ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps have been installed.

“The good news is the poles, the mast arm poles, are scheduled to be delivered this week,” Hinkle said.

He said the contractor was confident they would be delivered by Friday. Installation will begin at the end of next week or the week of July 24.

“They still need some of the smaller pedestrian poles that go up, supplemental poles that carry the pedestrian indicators and school zone flashers,” Hinkle said.

Street Department crews set up road closures for the July Fourth Celebration and the First Friday event.

The Street Department also repaired a manhole on Greer Street. Hinkle said they also had to rebuild a catch basin at the corner of Calhoun and Cottage in a complete rebuild, ripping out the old catch basin, creating a new form and pouring the concrete to complete it.

He said crews returned to sweeping the streets after taking a break when the first sweeping round was completed. They started with some of the streets that have no parking available. As of Thursday, the weekly schedule was being posted again.

More asphalt patching has been done for potholes and city utility digs, catching them up on the utility digs this year. Potholes still develop and get bigger with rain and traffic, so that work will continue.

Animals get new springs at Riverside Park

The Parks Department replaced or repaired all of the spring animals at Riverside Park. Hinkle said their springs had worn out over time, so replacements were ordered and installed. Replacement parts for other aging equipment at the Harmony Playground were also ordered.

Crews also had a hand in preparations for the July Fourth Celebration.

“They also helped with all the mowing, trimming and everything else that had to take place at Ariel-Foundation Park for the Fourth of July event,” Hinkle said.

Public Works narrows down job candidates

Hinkle said that the Public Works Department started interviewing for three open positions, one in the Street Department, and two in the Cemetery Department.

The civil service exam was already administered and certified, so they started working from the list with plans to complete the first round of interviews this week.

Public Buildings and Land crew replace heat pumps

Two heat pumps have been replaced at the Plaza Building, as has a heat pump air compressor, Hinkle said. The Public Works Department also has been doing exterior painting at the Fire Station, working on the trim, the eaves and the front porch.

Signs and fliers banned on city property

Hinkle offered a reminder that no fliers or advertisements are allowed on city buildings or property, which includes the city’s rental facilities and the Public Square. People have been posting fliers about their services, garage sales or other notices on the Public Square, utility cabinets and elsewhere across the city, he said, but that is not allowed.

Mayor Matt Starr said that starting July 15, city crews will remove any signs from the public right of way, including the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the road, as well as signs from utility poles.

Utilities Department schedules Civil Service test

Utilities Director Aaron Reinhart said a Civil Service exam for a Public Utility Tech 1 position will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 2, at the Knox County Career Center cafeteria at 306 Martinsburg Road in Mount Vernon.

The application deadline is 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26.

Reinhart said the city doesn’t have a current job opening but is seeking candidates for future openings.

Fire hydrants being cleaned

Interns from the Ohio Means Jobs program are in town for two weeks and are cleaning the city’s fire hydrants.

Human Resources Director Denise Neff arranged the seasonal internship, Starr said.