Feazel to lead writing seminar at First Baptist Church


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Steve Feazel | Facebook/Steve Feazel

MOUNT VERNON – Bestselling and award-winning author Steve Feazel will lead a writing seminar at First Baptist Church located at 303 S. Edgewood Rd. in Mount Vernon on June 29 at 7 p.m.

Feazel coauthored a book with Mike Huckabee and appeared on his show. Feazel presently has eight books in the market. He has experience with traditional and hybrid publishers and knows the self-publishing side of the book industry very well. He will explain the advantages and disadvantages that each publishing option presents to a writer.

The seminar will look at story structure in fiction works and how to write an effective nonfiction book. Attendees will learn how agents operate and how publishers work with them. Feazel will clearly show how a first-time author can develop a quality book and self-publish it so it is available online and in bookstores. He will reveal how it can all be done without spending a lot of money.

“In the 16 years of experience I have had in the world of writing and publishing, I have learned many things which can help those who want to write avoid many of the frustrations I encountered in these years, which can save them money and heartaches,” Feazel said.

Anyone who ever had a dream of becoming an author as a career choice or just to leave a legacy for grandchildren will gain insightful and practical information. The cost of the seminar is a free-will donation. Reserve your seat by calling 740 507-7987.