Knox County DJFS recognizes National Child Abuse Prevention Month



KCDJFS's Child Abuse Prevention Month Wear Blue Day | Knox County Department of Job & Family Services

MOUNT VERNON – The Knox County Department of Job & Family Services (KCDJFS) is recognizing the month of April being proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month. Support awareness by acknowledging the efforts and leadership of KCDJFS staff and their community partners as they work collectively to protect Knox County children and families.   

In 2022, KCDJFS received 1,722 calls and completed 433 investigations of alleged abuse and neglect. The average caseload included 107 active families per month and 105 children and youth placed in out-of-home care. KCDJFS is approaching 32 licensed foster homes that will provide safe and secure living environments for those children that are not able to be placed in their homes of origin. Eleven adoptions were finalized during the year, and 84 youth were provided gifts and stockings during the annual Christmas celebration thanks to the donations of generous community organizations and individuals. 

“We want to thank our foster and kinship providers for the care they provide to Knox County youth when they are unable to safely remain in their own homes,” said Knox County JFS Social Services Administrator Danielle Crider. “Your dedication to providing these youth with a safe and loving home is very much appreciated.”

If you are interested in becoming a KCDJFS foster parent or childcare provider, call or text 740-507-7881.